Issue 175: A New Identity for a New Era


Welcome to Backstory, a weekly newsletter turning global technology shifts into a three-minute read. This week, we’re thinking about Dubai. – Mary Ames, Director of Strategy


A New Identity for a New Era


The Dubai Government has a new logo. As the world emerges from the pandemic's shadow, the change symbolizes the emirate’s commitment to pioneering leadership and innovative economic strategies. Embracing the digital revolution, the city is becoming an international haven for remote work and flexible employment, drawing in a global community of skilled knowledge workers through enticing new visa options. This fresh identity heralds a transformative chapter for Dubai, marking its evolution into a dynamic hub where tradition and innovation converge, fostering unparalleled growth and opportunities.

The power of a brand.  The power of branding in sculpting a nation's identity cannot be understated, and Dubai's adoption of the new logo that traces back to the Maktoum family's ascendancy in 1833 is a poignant testament to this. Dubai is emphatically underlining its history by reintroducing a symbol steeped in history. A history that is integral to its identity and future trajectory. This strategic branding move goes beyond mere aesthetics; it's a deliberate acknowledgment of the city's roots, a nod to the intricate tapestry of narratives that have shaped its journey. In a world where cities often chase the future at the expense of their past, Dubai's logo stands as a beacon of balance, inviting the world to witness a city that reveres its heritage while boldly stepping into tomorrow. This nuanced branding approach deepens the sense of belonging and pride among its residents while crafting a cohesive narrative that intertwines the past with the pulse of the present.


“He who rejects change is the architect of decay.”

– Harold Wilson, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


This week, we are thinking about obesity. With the rise of drugs such as Ozempic, the way we treat obesity is transforming. However, the crisis is one of the great public health challenges facing the world today.


Science fiction season. The science fiction landscape is thriving, highlighted by the acclaimed success of "Dune Part Two" and the highly anticipated Netflix adaptation of Cixin Liu's "The Three-Body Problem." Celebrated as monumental works within the genre, these narratives are transitioning from the page to the screen with great fervor. Reports suggest the Netflix series delivers a compelling experience, capturing the intricate essence of Liu's masterpiece. For aficionados of science fiction and those curious about its reflections on contemporary society, the current offerings represent a golden era of content rich with imagination and insight.

Trim silence? Amid our efficiency-obsessed culture, the debate over podcast players' Trim Silence feature symbolizes a deeper issue: our diminishing ability to truly engage with art and information. This narrative, explored in this fascinating blog post, highlights the danger of prioritizing speed over substance in our information-obsessed culture. The author offers a call to embrace the fullness of experiences, recognizing that true connection lies beyond mere consumption. This piece urges us to reconsider our values, advocating for a mindful approach that respects the creative process and enriches our interactions with the world.


  • The paradox of the infinite universe

  • Unwind with a rock

  • See you on Zoom – or not.


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