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Issue 41: A Vision for the Future

Welcome to Backstory, a weekly newsletter turning global technology shifts into a three-minute read. This week, we’re thinking about ways to make government more efficient and effective – Mary Ames, Director of Strategy


A Vision for the Future

Dubai has transformed from a remote trading outpost to a global hub of commerce and innovation in a remarkably short time. Today, the latest industry-leading applications and technological advancements coming from the region are born in Dubai. This rapid transformation didn’t happen by chance. It’s thanks to visionary leaders who embraced technological change with open arms early in the story of the Emirate. By investing in infrastructure and encouraging a culture of entrepreneurship, Dubai is one of the world’s fastest-growing knowledge economies. 

A vision for the future: His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid began 2020 with a bold vision for the Government. At his request, a newly formed Dubai Council will lead six critical sectors including the economy, government services, development, infrastructure, justice and security, and health and knowledge. As part of a drive for government efficiency over the next five years, Dubai government leaders will need to meet 50 goals, which are currently being developed. The aim of this vision is to build on Dubai’s impressive growth and ensure the Emirate remains one of the world’s best cities to live in. 

A new approach: Information is one of our greatest assets as long as we can use it effectively to achieve our goals. The Dubai Council, which will consolidate several government departments under six commissioner generals, is an important step towards facilitating deeper collaboration across the Government. The Council will coordinate and consolidate to amplify impact. The next step will be using technology to create a new platform to further this innovative approach to collaboration. 

Visibility and efficiency: We can use technology to rethink how ministries and departments work together. By increasing visibility, the work of governance becomes more efficient and accountable. This will directly translate into reaching the new goals set by the Dubai Council and ensuring that Dubai remains one of the best cities to live and work in. Sheikh Mohammed’s recent announcement is the spark to see these changes implemented. We need to embrace the mandate and move forward together.


“What Worked in the past may not work in the future and what has benefited us in the last 20 years may not benefit us in the next 20 years.”

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid  


eBooks and robots: Remember when eBooks were going to take over the market and end the paper book? Well, that didn’t happen but there are important lessons to take from the eBook techno panic of the 2010s. This week, we reviewed the panic around eBooks in order to consider the debate around automation in the workplace. The similarities are profound. 

What’s a car? Electric cars were once the stuff of dreams. Today, they’re everywhere. The rise of electric cars provides important clues about the growth of autonomous vehicles. We explored how history is repeating itself with autonomous vehicles. Just think, in 10 years time we’ll be taking autonomous vehicles for granted the way we do with electric cars.

A Message From SquadX

The way we work is changing. Without the right team in place following the correct systems, companies run the risk of being siloed and losing competitive advantage. We’ve figured out how to avoid this scenario and deliver results by optimising teams. The secret is building the right culture. Discover what we’re doing at SquadX, a Xische company, to unlock results with the power of teams.


A new addition: Since its beginning in 1993, Wired magazine has been an indispensable source for news and views from the global technology sector. It’s certainly a critical part of our media diet. With the beginning of a new decade, Wired has launched a brand new Middle East edition based in Dubai. This new imprint is a sign of the strength of our local technology sector. We’re ecstatic to welcome Wired to the neighbourhood. 

The sleeper success of bicycles: Have you noticed more bikes are on the streets of global cities? Well, according to Curbed, bikes are the sleeper success of the last decade. In American cities, the number of bicycles (and bike lanes) has skyrocketed. Since the creation of new bicycle lanes last year, bike use is up 54 per cent in Paris. Sometimes old technology really is the best new technology. We have some strong thoughts on the matter.

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