This was the decade tech took over. We look back at the biggest disruptors of the 2010’s.
Read MoreThe 2010’s marked the UAE’s entrance into the global innovation arena. We look back at the strategies and programs that propelled the UAE to a standout decade.
Read MoreWe spend our days in thrall of digital communication. Perhaps that is why paper is having a renaissance?
Read MoreA logo is a visual expression of a brand’s reason for being. What spirit does the ADDA falcon reveal?
Read MoreBranding is a tricky business — we know. Facebook’s recent snafu sheds light on the why and how of a good (or bad) rebrand.
Read MoreToday the UAE officially joins the space club. But Hazza Al Mansouri’s ISS mission is just the beginning for the UAE — and the Arab world.
Read MoreTechnology is changing how young students learn. The role of the teacher is more important than ever.
Read MoreFor major US corporations shifting from shareholder-first success metrics to focus on wellbeing, the UAE offers a playbook to happiness.
Read MoreIf GDP was the creation of the West, then wellness indicators can be the work of the non-West.
Read MoreIn an increasingly connected world, new moon shots are emerging from unexpected corners.
Read MoreIt’s a slippery slope from information overload to digital burnout – and we pay the price with our health.
Read MoreFacebook is taking steps into the realm of content moderation, but it is missing a balanced global viewpoint.
Read MoreSilicon Valley courted schools with visions of the digital future of education. Now students are pushing back. Is this EdTech’s moment of reckoning?
Read MoreWe face a defining moment in which digital technologies can break down barriers to the creation and experience of art. Is this the end of authenticity?
Read MoreWe are losing serendipity in our digital lives. Might the experience of browsing through libraries and farmers markets show a new path forward?
Read MoreThe number of adults who read at least one novel, short story, poem, or play in the last year fell from 57% in 1982 to 43% in 2015. Should we be alarmed?
Read MoreIn today’s data-rich cities, urban planners are now able to build detailed resident profiles to design experiences for a segment of one
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